Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Otherside of the Game

Damn, this is why I can't work. My girl just calls me up and tells me she has a question for me. So I hop off the phone with Everett and ask what's up. She confirms with me that my ex was involved in some street shit, adding to the decimination of our community (What a euphemism that is) and then proceeds to ask me what she should do in the same situation. I don't think I told her what she wanted to hear, but all I could do was tell her the truth. If she went in with the knowledge that he was involved then it's something that she has to deal with now. I know it's so much harder to deal with when you see the shit up close, but she went in knowing, he didn't spring that shit on her. It comes to a point where you have to ask yourself exactly how much you are willing to deal with in order to be with that one person. For me, I took it to the extreme. There was a point in time where contacts knew me more than they knew him, I was running around picking up shit, running up pissy stairways and pulling up next to cars I had never seen before. So I know it's hard, but she said that she doesn't want to change him. So basically to me, she's saying that she can see the danger involved but still doesn't "want to make him something he's not". I don't care what anyone says - the game is not engrained in anyone. No one is born in that shit, you make a choice to get in and I told her it is going to have to be his choice to leave. It seems to me that she wants to take the route I took for a long time - "don't let me see the shit and we are alright". But this is as effective as a girl who knows her man is cheating on her but denies it until she sees a pregnant woman at her door. There is going to come a time when that bitch comes knocking. All you can do is face it, try to help him help himself and be there if that's who you wanna be with. There is no easy way out of that shit and I hope she wasn't looking for one because it's a hard life. And I don't think she was ready to hear the answer that it took me so long to figure out - "You gotta choose which one you love more, him or you."


Blogger SOULJOURNIN... said...

dang that last line was pretty powerful. Yeah the game is not a "game". I met two women who both did 6 years in prison the other did ten for thier boyfriends crimes. When the police come, it dont matter if they were just helping their man, they gettin locked up fa sho. And their men cant help them and would prbably dime them out to. So thats some good advice.

6:20 PM


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