Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Down Here In Hell

I am attempting to study but it's so unnatural that I cannot force myself to even try any longer. Perhaps I can absorb what I need through osmosis. *placing my hand on my psychology book* HMMMMMM...

I dont think it worked...I dont feel any more knowledgable about this shit than I did 10 seconds ago.

There is this board - Havoc that I ADORE. It introduced me to the writing of this woman - Aulelei Love - which I also ADORE. I read her work like the words will run off the page in seconds. She's that good. Don't believe me? I've linked her page and I've never had a conversation with her - not even through email. But please believe I will be purchasing her book. You should look into it too.

What would I do if we were perfect? Where would I go for dissapointment? It is 4:00 am and I have only completed reading ONE chapter of my Psychology book. I need to read FOUR. I hate school...I cannot wait to be back at home. One more week and two day after that!!! YES!!!

I seriously think I am going crazy. I was listening to Badu's "Ye Yo" earlier today, or technically yesterday. I love the part where she says "and you feel the need to rest your aching mind.." That line is my life right there. As an Aries, according the astrology and all that hoopla, I am more subseptible to headaches and the such. A couple of years back, my mind used to race. And by race, I mean there would be a period, usually no longer than half an hour, where my mind would percieve everything as being fast. I imagine it's what being on speed is like. Anyhoo, it makes all my motions seem exaggerated and fast, no matter how slow, everything seems louder and all these thoughts flood my head. That sounds like some schizophrenic shit, huh? Well it hadn't happened in like three years prior to an hour ago. My brain just did it again. I think that is my brain's way of saying "slow the fuck down". But do I listen? NAHHH...

Back to the studying...real update soon.


Blogger SOULJOURNIN... said...

YEAH that aulelei Love chic's writing is hot! I found myself having to quote her.

1:07 PM


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