Which Results In Unfortunate Destiny
I have come to the conclusion that I am extremely self-absorbed. I'm still working out the details on whether or not this is a bad thing. I have this habit of not really caring too much for people that I don't consider myself close to. I have this ability to cut people out of my life. Folks that other people would consider close friends I have no problem eliminating from my life. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hateful, spiteful or unforgiving. But sometimes I think I am uncaring. If I notice that I am the only one making an effort to keep a friendship going, or the only one doing certain things, I have NO problem stopping and allowing the relationship to die. There are very few people who can leave my life and I would actually make an attempt to reach back out to them. I've fallen out with females who thought that they were my friends, actually had them be hurt and I've just looked at them like they were straight dumbasses. No sympathy. Folks call me up and get the ice tone.
Hey girl!! I haven't talked to you in hellas!!! How you been?
I'm good, you?
I'm fine, girl!! I was just thinking about you the other day, remember how we used to (insert dumb ass kid activity here)? And that one time? We were so crazy!! How is your mom?
She's alright. And you are calling me for what?...
That's only reserved for folks that used to call themselves friends to me and ended up not keeping in touch. Acquaintances do not meet this tone, they know their purpose as well as I do. "Hi, Bye Girlfriends" is what I call them. They are fine by me. It's these bitches who call themselves "friends", know my number hasn't changed, don't call, see me in town, smile and walk by, tell folks we are cool and then try to call me out the blue. I'm not one of those people who act like time hasn't gone by. It doesn't take that much to pick up a phone and dial 7 digits, 10 at the most and keep in touch. If you can't do that but still want all the perks of being a "friend" - FUCK YOU. I guess this comes down to one thing - if you aren't in my inner circle - you are disposable, sorry.
Cookies to you if you know what song my entry's title come from.
i hope that i never become a hi bye friend.
10:31 AM
Yep, it's "What About Your Friends". Who would thunk? Butterfly...thanks for the compliment
4:22 PM
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