Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Let Me Say This Again....

***This is a throwback (1/13/05) from my old livejournal. Spawned from a conversation with a friend, who proclaimed that all women who are victims of domestic violence are weak***

Most abusive relationships do not start off that way. Can I repeat that please? I said, most abusive relationships DO NOT start off that way. Can you point me out someone who meets someone, gets smacked in the face off the bat and continues to ask for their phone number?

No? I didn't think so...

These men are all peaches and cream until they figure out that the woman is deeply in love with them. There's no time limit on the shit, they just wait until they know that the woman has feelings for them and her heart is entrapped in the situation. Yes, usually there are signs, usually some verbal lashings occur. But can anyone who's been in a relationship and never had an argument raise their hand?

*squinting out into the congregation*

I don't see any hands...So we've all had disagreements? And I'd be safe in assuming that some have been worse than others right? Would you leave your husband or wife the first time they raised their voice at you? I didn't think although verbal abuse is an indicator of things to come sometimes, we can safely say that not all verbal abuse is a warning sign. So, we cannot fault these women for staying through some arguments. Now, like I mentioned, usually by the time a man gets around to placing his hands on a woman, he has determined that she has invested a generous amount of her spirit into making the relationship work. She has loved him wholeheartedly. This is when he strikes. So although the woman recognizes the abuse and the fact that it is wrong, she's already invested in it. There is an emotional attachment that comes along with it. And not only that, but almost all physical abuse comes with another kind of abuse. The man has probably programmed her into thinking that he loves her more than anyone else could, and that when he hits her it's because she's done something to deserve it or any other illogical reason.

I know some of you are thinking "that could never happen to me, I'm too strong of mind to be mentally abused and succumb to someone like that". Please think again. Look back in history - the Holocaust, the Rwandan genocide, the United States slavery system - all the result of manipulated minds. You think every single soul that had something to do with these three tragedies was weak-minded? I think not. Still not convinced? How many of you would pick a big shiny Mercedes over shiny new Honda? I see a lot of've been manipulated. Because we as a society place emphasis on Mercedes and view them as luxury, you're inclined to want one. Both vehicles would serve the main purpose of an automobile, which is to get you from point A to point B. Mind manipulation can happen to anyone. Throw in the fact that you've invested your love, time, thoughts and maybe even money into this person and I'd be willing to say that anyone is susceptible. I know, I know...some of you are saying "ok, I understand how it can happen, but why do some of them stay?". Well, once again, mind control. And like I mentioned, it doesn't start off that way. So many stay with hopes that "John" will return to being the way he was in the beginning. Also, let us remember that these men are not constantly beating their women 20 hours out of the day. They may in fact be the "perfect gentleman" when they are not placing their hands on someone. Complete Jekyll and Hydes...that just adds confusion to the mix. These women stay because their minds have been manipulated, they have been told this is love, they have been told that no one will love them better, they have received the most tender lovemaking of their life from the very same man who then wrapped a phone cord around her neck. They are confused, they are in need of a friend, they need to be told that there is more out there. That there is better out there. They need to be reassured that although they have had kids by this man, he does not own them nor her. They need to be shown true love. They are not dumb, weak, stupid or deserving. I know. I've been one.


Blogger TheSaga said...

wow, this was a great post. it really lets u think twice before saying those women are weak. it's opened my mind up a good bit. there's one thing though, a comparison to the women who don't stay in relationships like that would have been nice. great post aries.

7:37 AM

Blogger courtney said...

"Can you point me out someone who meets someone, gets smacked in the face off the bat and continues to ask for their phone number?"

I KNOW that wasnt meant to be funny....but...BWAAAAAAAAAAAHAAA!

10:50 AM

Blogger courtney said...

aaaaaaaaaaand we're back...

I gotta go along with nikki and's hard to judge not really being in the situation. We can watch Lifetime all we want, but the truth is, every situation is different.

10:51 AM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

@ The Saga - Thanks. That's all I want is for people to stop having this mentality that ALL women who are in violent relationships are weak and deserve it. As for a comparision, I feel you, but those who leave have so many varied reasons for doing so. As for me, my breaking point was detailed in a previous post but it also came in the form of my best friend. She told me about her aunt (who is still is an abusive relationship) whose husband choked her until she passed out and urinated on herself in front of her children. That scared the shit out of me and I said to myself, "no way in hell."

@LBoog - Well said, ma. I've only told three people who didn't see me go through my situation about it and all of them could not believe that I was caught up like that. The outside is always easier to judge from.

@Nikki - Thanks, lady. I feel you...

@Courtney - Fuque dat! I laughed at myself when I wrote that. Because even though this is a serious post, that was the only way I could think to get my point across and then I got a vivid visual and shit was over. I'm serious as hell about it, but dammit humor is part of me. Can't escape it. So laugh away...

11:59 AM

Blogger editor said...

This was magnificent.

Girl, you made a great argument for your point. I happen to agree. Very professional of you. As usual.


9:53 PM

Blogger G. Cornelius said...


I'll keep you posted

11:31 PM

Blogger Chris said...

I can't understand how someone would say that women who are victims of domestic violence are weak...seeing the fact that most women have been attacked in some way, whether it was that or rape or being stalked...that would be saying that pretty much all women are weak. Now if you said all women are damaged in one way or another, then would you be telling the truth...

12:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said... more time.. we should not judge not yet we be judged..
nice piece..

12:03 AM

Blogger Toya said...

wow@tat...that's a good post, makes you think...

6:50 AM

Blogger C.R.C. said...

Very nice post Aries. I have to echo what other's have said. I like to think that I wouldn't succumb to domestic violence, but you never know in that kind of situation. It's pretty scary. Very intelligent and wll written. Thanks for sharing this.

By the way, cat woman has moved :)
-in case you want to update your link.

9:47 AM

Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said...

Whoa...if you were standing in front of me I would hug you! I can not even begin to tell you how profound this was. Just wow.

Part of the reason why I don't tell people my experiences is because of the ignorant responses, dumb looks, or judgement. As if my parents' money, my boarding school background, or my education were enough to protect me from an abusive relationship. It doesn't matter what your socio-economic status is or educational level, for that matter can happen to anyone and it does, especially to those with low self-esteem. Thanks for writing gives incredible insight and it is definitely thought provoking. I don't know you but I am PROUD to call you my blog friend!

11:02 AM

Blogger Dayrell said...

Very well said Soul. VERY! I can't argue with you there. You expressed some really good points. :)

4:15 AM

Blogger MBT4679 said...

well you KNOW I know whats what. thank you for reposting this. I just wrote again about this subject. People dont realize, more women go thru this than not. I would wage my paycheck that the majority of women, hetero or homosexual have experiences some type of domestic abuse, be it emotional, verbal, or physical.

anyone who says these women, who have survived and continued on with their lives, despite the pain, are weak, is a fucking idiot with no sense of anything. tell your friend he/she needs a reality check.

2:03 PM

Blogger Luke Cage said...

Nice job on the delivery and the subtlety of this post luv, without lightening up the overall impact of the message. I watched with great pain my mother go through such a thing when I was a shorty. Within a week, she took the 4 of her kids and broke the hell out and never looked back.

It took me time to understand that not EVERY woman can simply get up and leave, even if they realize in their mind that they want to so bad. Every battered or abused woman's situation is not the same, thus the resources that may be available to one, may not be for another. I would not use the word "weak" for the women that did not get out of that misery. Although from the outside looking in, a sentiment repeated by most of your commentors, its easy to pin a title on someone going through such a thing and to say, "that wouldn't be me."

He may not have meant harm in saying what he said, merely lacking tact in his delivery. Having said that, I truly sympathize for all of the women who are battered by their "significant others." A friend of mine called me out not too long ago when I professed that I would NEVER hit a woman. She argued long and hard about I should not say Never. I thought what audacity, having come from a situation where I witnessed my mother going through that and now this friend was calling me out on the very same thing that I condemned so hard. But she'd been abused too so maybe she'd heard what I'd said before from her husband.

I would not want to inflict that kind of pain on no woman. And I know that I never will. And shame on any man who chooses to do so, regardless of what he is going through. Very essential scribe. Thank you for reposting dear.

2:30 PM

Blogger Jez Chill said...

Very nice post. Definitely opens our eyes to how the victim feels. I wonder how a man can turn abusively violent? I assume he's always been that way, just was never provoked to reveal it early in the relationship. Or maybe some outside factor, like drugs/alcohol, turned him into a violent mate. I don't know, just wondering.

9:30 AM

Blogger YouToldHarpoTaBeatMe said...

I met this woman, who pretty much, went through all that you described. A year into her relationship and preparing to marry the man, he put his hands on her. Needless to say, he got worse after they married.

She comes across very tough, but once that subject came up, you could still see the hurt. She said she was embarrassed, because even after he revealed what type of person he was, she still married him. Not to change him, but because she just "knew" in her heart that he wasn't like that.

12:22 PM


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