Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring Cleaning

A little while ago Danja suggested that bloggers should try a spring cleaning list. I liked the idea so here is mine.

I need to....

Clean out my mind. On my poetry notebook is the chinese symbol for peace. Inside, in silver script, I wrote the words "peace of mind". That is something I strive for daily. And it seems that recently, it's been a struggle for me to achieve a state even close to peace. So I have to get my mind in order.

Dust off my poetry notebook and put some words in there.

Sweep away any pain that I've been holding onto. Mainly pain from The EX. I think I've let it all go but looking back there there are a few cobwebs I purposely overlooked. A dust bunny or two that I let live a little too long in my heart.

vacuum all the bullshit misconceptions that people hold about me. I gotta clear that shit out, suck the life outta some bullshit "holier than thou" rumors and dead that shit, once and for all.

Shake out any expectations I have for people that they haven't set for themselves. I have a tendency to hold people to expectations I hold for myself, as well as those they hold for me. However, I realize that everyone is not me and there has to be a different set for every person. So I'm working on that....

Throw away people that have no purpose in my life, as well as those who seem to only bring drama and pain.

Rearrange my priorities, especially in relationships. Me and my best friend hardly ever talk. That's my girl, but I may talk to her every 2 weeks. Maybe every week in a good month. I guess there may be something wrong with that, but who really knows? I definitely need to make sure I have the guys in my life in order before I head into the summer and meet some more (smile). Aww, don't act like everybody doesn't meet at least an average of 3 potential new "associates" in the summer!

I apologize if this post makes no sense. I didn't even read this before I hit the little orange buttin. Perhaps the next few sentences will explain why...: The section about me cleaning out my mind is probably the most important. I've been in this funky ass mood lately. I don't wanna write, I don't wanna blog, I don't wanna kick it or laugh or act silly. I just want to lay in my bed, with the window open, listening to "Must Be Nice" by Lyfe Jennings or "Missing You" by Biggie.

Any ideas to help me out of this stag are WELCOME.


Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said...

aww, man...sounds like you need a lil vacay...or a weekend getaway, even if it is a local hotel. Time alone and pampering myself always helps me out. I hope you get out of the rut soon...there are fun times waiting on you this spring!

thanks for commenting and complimenting on my blog....I uhh, won't mention how many times I have read YOUR blog and not said a thing...I am reformed! *grinning*

5:44 AM

Blogger C.R.C. said...

I'm right there with you on most of these. I don't even have any suggestions right now of how you could snap out of your funk. I guess my commenting was pretty pointless then, huh?

Wise diva and rbg seem to have good ideas. Just time alone and time away from it all may snap you back into the flow of things *shrug*

4:13 PM

Blogger ShawnQt said...

you just reminded me, let me write a poem or two... ur so wise, woman u are!

9:29 PM

Blogger Chris said...

I guess that is pretty much how I feel too...I haven't posted nearly as much as I have wanted to, or needed to...I feel sort of "blah" most of the time...I don't get it. It's like life is passing me by, and I only see the SportsCenter Top Ten...I know I need a vacation...

11:26 PM

Blogger Jazz said...



12:15 AM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

@ Wise Diva - Yeah, I cannot WAIT until the summer. Ahhh, I can almost smell the bbq...eerily similar to the scent of freedom.

Glad to see you are no longer a "lurker". Share with me.

@RBG - I don't know if I would say I'm down. I just don't feel anything. Maybe it is unindentified sadness...who knows...And perhaps I will try some flowers, although I've never known them to cheer me up...we shall see..

@Nikki - Ain't it though?

@Chevonne - Naw, your comment wasn't pointless. Sometimes it's just nice to know that you are not alone. I KNOW I've done that to you plenty of times on your blog. *smile*

@NeoDes - I really love the third paragraph of your comment. It's something nobody's ever said to me. Thanks.

@Starfoxx - Cuba, eh? Sheeeiiit I wish. Slim and I were supposed to be going to ATL and then to Florida, but we shall see, homeboy is rapidly diminishing the chances of that happening.

@Lyrik - Girl, ain't college some stress-filled shit? Thanks for the words...

@Shawn - Do the damn thing, boy. Post one of 'em when you are done.

@Big N - Eehhh, I dun know. Now if you woulda said "Coming to America", you might have won best solution.

@Chris - "Blah" is the perfect word.

@Jazz - I gotta do it first, but then I most certainly will take it all in.

12:46 AM

Blogger Dayrell said...

This is a nice ass idea. I might try doing the same myself. Good luck on your spring clean girly!

8:51 AM


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