Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Crap List #1

I HATE packing. It sucks...

Matter of fact here is a list off the top of my head of things that suck:

- Gas Prices

- Bush (the whole DAMN family)

- The Source

- Concert Fees

- Tart Plums (nothing worse than biting into a plum, thinkin it's gonna be all sweet and gettin hit with the taste of a lemonhead)

- Breaking a nail

- R U The Girl? (I loved TLC. Still do. They entertain me everytime I see this show. However, the idea is shitty, the girls suck and the first 4 weeks have been bullshit stretched out episodes.

- People who do poetry with profit as their main motivation. (A big middle finger to you.)

- Having to pay for textbooks that you will turn in at the end of the year and get less than half your money back for.

- Ebay (I got outbid in the last 3 seconds of my auction. I felt like this dude on our cable company's commercial. Homeboy is sitting there, watching the auction, he's the highest bidder on a throwback and then suddenly, he refreshes the page (with his dial-up modem) and sees the auction's ended and he's been outbid. Bullish....I got a cable connection and STILL got outbid.)

That's all I can think of right now. I'm upset because I REALLY REALLY hate packing and everything in my room looks a mess right now....excuse while I go throw more crap into suitcases....


Blogger Systa Soul said...

I am SO happy you mentioned that ... a tart plum!! I HATE it when you think you've picked the perfect plum, you get it home, cleanse it well, and bite into it. Only for that joint to be tart as all get out!! lol. That's some real shit.

3:29 PM

Blogger DJ Diva said...

I with u on all of it! Especially with the damn gas!! 3 bucks a gallon? My ass might need to strart taking the train....Nah...too many terrorists

Add terror attacks on the train LOL

5:30 PM

Blogger C.R.C. said...

WHY am I just now figuring out that you still write in this one too???

*hitting self over the head*

11:16 PM

Blogger The Humanity Critic said...

I agree 100%. The Source, does indeed, good post.

11:08 AM

Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

Amen guhl

7:10 AM


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