Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Don't matter if you're Black or White?

I'm back from Tennessee. As always, I had fun, although the sun was literally licking my damn face the whole time I was there. I will come back with a full update later on...perhaps 2morrow.

But for now I have a question for you all.....

Can White teachers teach Black history as effectively as Black teachers? How much does the ability to relate factor into the effectiveness of the lesson? If I need to clarify more, let me know. It's late and I just finished working a 14 hour day - homegirl is tired. But I really wanna hear your opinions on this, I will tie it all in later, I PROMISE.


Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

1. Welcome Back!
2. Its an issue of connecting with the material...I personally believe when you can relate to the material that you're are a more effective teacher period.

5:30 AM

Blogger Ananse's Web said...

Welcome back from your trip

I think that to hear it from someone who isn't connected to it makes it more real. And then they have to stand there and explain. A lot of white folks think they can explain away the fact that it happened but if they can learn of all the horrific things that happened and then relay it then it will start to awaken some accountability.

8:24 AM

Blogger Jdid said...

I think it has to do with the passion of the teacher for the subject rather than the race.

If that wasnt the case then the only history folk could teach would be the history of their own peoples

12:31 PM

Blogger Larry D. Lyons II said...

welcome back sis.

about the topic: i think anyone who's passionate about the material can teach it. i'm hesitant to assume that one's race automatically renders him/her intrinsically more apt at teaching one field of history or another.

3:54 PM

Blogger AMES said...

The white folks I've met that have chosen to place themselves in that type of arena tend to be very passionate about it.

I've also seen young students ignore a white teacher them of their race and the topic. But whereas I would get annoyed the white person gets determined to get through to the student.

In other words- I don't know but good and thought provoking question.

10:48 PM

Blogger TheSaga said...

well, i've experienced the opposite of Xquizz. I did find that the passion + knowledge is what made the class much more interesting. From my experience, it don't matter, bruh.

2:14 PM

Blogger quietstormremix said...

1. I've got something inside so strong. It's called gas.
2. You know white teachers can not teach black kids because they can't relate. Problem is is that we can not get enough blacks, especially males to go into education.

10:10 PM


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