Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Assata is welcome in my house

$1 million reward posted in 1973 crime

The Associated Press

EWING TOWNSHIP, N.J. — Authorities posted a $1 million reward Monday for a Black Liberation Army member convicted of fatally shooting a New Jersey state trooper 32 years ago.

Joanne Chesimard escaped from a women's prison in Hunterdon County in 1979 after she was convicted of the 1973 slaying of Trooper Werner Foerster. She made her way to Cuba and was granted political asylum.

New Jersey officials have failed to persuade Cuba to hand over Chesimard, 57, who goes by the name Assata Shakur. Foerster responded as backup after another trooper stopped Chesimard and two companions for a faulty tail light on the New Jersey Turnpike on May 2, 1973.

Shots soon rang out and Foerster was hit. As he lay on the ground, authorities said, Chesimard took his gun and fatally shot him in the head and neck.

A New York television station taped an interview with Chesimard in Havana in 1998, in which she denied killing Foster and said she lived in fear of the New Jersey State Police. New Jersey officials said she was lying.


Why can't they leave her the hell alone? If this is their way of commorating the anniversary of the supposed "shoot-out", that is truly sad. This is truly some cowboy mentality type shit and placing a million dollar bounty on her is ridiculous. There are so many criminals out there who they could be focusing on instead. This really makes me sick. I've read the facts of this case numerous times since the age of 12 and they have NEVER added up to me. The government has tried so many times to persecute Assata and each time their charges have not been founded in truth. Each time, sometimes after several appeals, she was aquitted. You would think by now they would let it be. And they wonder why she hasn't returned to the States. Many have said that her case is long forgotten and her name is probably not even a cause of concern anymore. This proves just how wrong those statements are. Are we moving forward at all?


Blogger ..Sue...Zette... said...

They aren't gonna stop until either she comes back or she's dead. It's a shame you know. I guess its a part of second class citizenry. I would go to Cuba and sit in her shadow just to hear her speak. I have her picture up on my wall. Selah sister...if only of us had a quarter of her strength

2:23 PM

Blogger -_- said...

I cant believe this shiznit...

All that money when America has starving children. Leave Assata alone!

Better yet, if she wants to come to Canada, she's more than welcome in my house too. Gwans on, sister. We smart, educated sistas love you.

4:27 PM

Blogger Jazz said...


7:46 PM

Blogger Bullet Proof Diva said...

this type of thing really irks me...why not put a damn bounty on the KNOWN killers of the civil rights activitists, or the IDENTIFIED lynchmen, or how about the BRAGGING bastards who will go to their graves not spending 1 night in jail after their bogus trials or acquittals. It's messed up that a price tag like that would be placed on us as a bounty as opposed to a reward if our black asses came up missing...hmph. ..end of rant.

11:13 PM

Blogger Luke Cage said...

Luv, besides the FBI, the NYPD had charged Assata with participating in these attacks on law enforcement folk as well and they just put the word out on ol' girl across the entire country to other police agencies and units. On top of that, they charged the sista as being a leader of the Black Liberation Army which the gov't described as an organization engaged in the shooting of police officers.

They even highlighted the woman's name on the FBI's most wanted list and to police at all levels she became a "shoot-to-kill" target. Shoot to kill? Well yeah, if you're someone who's out there targeting cops, it only makes sense that cops take her out first right?

She wrote a book several years ago saying that she was accused in six different "criminal cases" (SIX?) and in every last one of them, she was acquitted or the charges were dismissed. She did claim though, even that the charges were dismissed, it did not mean that she received justice in the courts.

It only meant that all of this so-called evidence presented against her was so flimsy and false that her innocence became evident. Sadly, as is the policy by our gov't, this political persecution was part of the gov'ts way of eliminating "political" opponents by charging them with crimes and arresting them with no regard to the facts. Didn't mean to run off so much, but this $1million bounty on 1 woman is so extreme for something that cannot be proven that occurred over 30 years ago..

6:19 AM

Blogger G. Cornelius said...

I know...
*shaking my head*
I'll keep you posted

1:19 AM

Blogger C.R.C. said...

Girl I heard about that bull! WTF is going on here???!!!!!!!

LEAVE ASSATA ALONE! Ain't they read the book???

9:15 PM

Blogger Dayrell said...

*smh*...this doesn't surprise seeing how f-ed up our world is anyway. I still think Asanta is wrongly accused (I don't care what nobody says, I believe her) and so are the others like brother Mumia Abu as well. Sad, just sad. *smh*

2:14 AM


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