Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

100 Truths and No Lies

100 Things

1. I was born in Cleveland, Ohio.
2. I was my parents' first child, they were 29.
3. I've been part of a kidnapping attempt.
4. When I was 9, I almost got kicked out of the after-school program because I did an expose stating that YMCA stood for Yellow Moldy Cheese Again.
5. I was the tallest kid in my class until 4th grade.
6. I'm 5'4" on a good day.
7. I don't fall in love easily.
8. I love hard.
9. I'm allergic to cats and dogs. (and grass, hay, dust, pollen...etc)
10. I've been arrested. Only once.
11. I don't eat pork.
12. My favorite fruit is pineapple.
13. My major is English.
14. I've haven't been out of the United States since I was two. (and then it was only to Canada)
15. I think Prince's "Adore" is the greatest love song ever.
16. I don't like to talk on the phone to people in the same city as me.
17. I don't have any grandparents left.
18. I loves shoes. Perhaps a little TOO much.
19. A good pen makes me feel smart and creative.
20. Sometimes, if I'm having an off day, I dress up to make myself feel better.
21. When I'm home, I hug my daddy everyday. I'm a daddy's girl.
22. I LOVE Black Men.
23. I like to make up slang words.
24. I learn words to songs very quickly.
25. I am addicted to candy. Fruity candy, specifically.
26. I would rather read a good book than watch a movie.
27. I keep things to myself.
28. It scares me to think that someone might one day know me completely.
29. I have natural hair.
30. I use fabric softners to scent my room.
31. I think kissing is an extremely intimate act.
32. I love kids.
33. I've been engaged.
34. I have trouble remembering the names of people I haven't seen in a while.
35. I love to smell good. I'm actually a tad obsessed about it.
36. I think I was born in the wrong era.
37. I could be quite content as a housewife.
38. I'm a punk.
39. I've never said "I love you" to a SO first.
40. I can count my number of "friends" on one hand.
41. I've never been on a boat.
42. I'm afraid of deep water.
43. I HATE guns.
44. Bugs scare me too.
45. I'm an underachiever.
46. I've never experienced stage fright.
47. I completed an entire book of poetry by the time I was 13.
48. My mother thinks I should sell my soul to work for Hallmark.
49. I don't eat seafood or fish.
50. I love football.
51. I NEVER study.
52. I didn't even study for my ACT. (Midwest Standardized Testing for you coastal folks)
53. It takes a whole hell of a lot for me to consider someone a friend.
54. I adore the Boondocks comic strip.
55. I hate to take medication.
56. I am extremely anemic.
57. I cry when I listen to Donny Hathaway.
58. I live vicariously through the TV show Girlfriends.
59. I pray to make a living out of writing.
60. I love to shop.
61. I hate to work.
62. I eat chicken EVERYDAY.
63. I sometimes lie just to see if people will believe me.
64. I admire people who are quietly intellectual.
65. I write best when I am in pain.
66. I have never tried cigarettes. I have puffed on a Black N Mild while drunk.
67. Angelina Jolie is my favorite actress.
68. I have never broken a bone.
69. I can switch my speech on a moment's notice. Drastically.
70. I abhore math.
71. I am an excellent secret-keeper.
72. I love to recieve mail.
73. I procrastinate terribly.
74. I talk to myself. Quite a bit.
75. Sometimes I sing myself to sleep.
76. I am on a constant quest for knowledge.
77. I can't spell out loud.
78. I do almost everything left-handed except for write.
79. Sometimes, when I get a lot of large bills and they are wrinkled, I iron them.
80. I have broken every pair of sunglasses I've ever owned.
81. I believe sex is a drug.
82. It's hard for me to accept compliments at face value.
83. I'm sometimes mean to people that are close to me.
84. I'm easily annoyed.
85. I think every female should know how to walk in heels by the time they are 15.
86. The only makeup I wear regularly is mascara.
87. My printed handwriting looks like script.
88. I love football.
89. I'm extremely kind to people I can relate to, no matter how well I know them.
90. I judge people by how they dress. (Not what they wear, but how they wear it)
91. I don't believe in soulmates.
92. But I am a romantic.
93. I am my own worst critic. Seriously.
94. I like to be underestimated.
95. If I don't make fun of you, I don't like you.
96. I bite the inside of my mouth.
97. I love air kisses.
98. I abhore people who take credit for others' work.
99. I don't like chest hair on men.
100. I am a firm believer in myself.


Blogger Meka said...

#18 Me too girl
# I'm jealous
#40 I can too and still have fingers left
#72 I thought I was the only one
#100 As everyone should be

Happy Holidays to you and yours!

2:12 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love this, but you owe us one more truth about yourself since #50 & #88 are the same.

5:51 PM


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