Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Ain't that a BITCH?!!!!


No, for real - L-I-V-I-D!!!

This new bitch ass teacher of mine neglected to tell me that the first assignment of the year, which is due tomorrow, requires you to buy a 48 dollar book from the book store. I asked his ass on Wednesday what I missed since I enrolled late. He told me nothing but an overview of the class. At first I wasn't too pissed, because the assignment is called "Microcase #1". Micro...hmmm...that indicates little. So I run upstairs to my old buddy from high school's room and ask to borrow his book so I can get this mini/micro lesson and scan it real quick. Riiiight...This shit is 26 pages long!!!! 26!!! OK, still no problem, I'll run right next door to our little wanna-be Starbucks and make the copies. The copier they have there only takes money from off your student ID, similar to a debit card. So I get there and the fuckin machine won't read my card!!! Now I'm getting a tad perturbed. Still calm on the exterior, I head to the front desk and ask the bitch working (oh, yes she is deserving of the "B" title, read on) if she can make the copies for me behind the desk and I just pay her the cash. She tells me "I'm sorry, we don't have a copier back here." do you know if there is a way that the copier in here can accept cash (meaning coins)?. She replies "Weeeelll, I...really don't know...I've never even looked at it before." It's at this point I start to lose my cool. There is no easier way to piss me off than to not know your fuckin job. What does her fat ass do all day? Sit there and play Soltaire? Her job is not hard...answer questions, help out here and there and walk her fat ass to the back to retrieve free toilet paper rolls for the students in the Suites. Still polite, I tell her "thanks" and continue to find somewhere else to copy this book. It's at this point this bitch opened her fat ass mouth and says "Well the library is right there..." No shit. Bitch, I know that, I'm a fuckin English major. What you think niggas can't read? The library is smack right in the fuckin middle of campus. And no, that shit is not "right there"'s 3 fuckin degrees outside (literally), and let's not talk about the windchill. At that fuckin temperature, nothing is "right there". Hell, a mailbox at the end of a 20 foot driveway is not "right there" in 3 degree weather. Pissed the hell off, I walk my ass to the library (a good 4 minute walk), copy the 26 pages at $.15 a page (that's $3.90 for those of you who are allergic to math like me) and stomp back with my red ass nose and frozen Crypt-Keeper looking finger. Fuck the 'Ville...Ain't that a Bitch?

*** The title comes from the fact that all this shit made me turn off my E Badu (which I listen to during ALL moods and pump some Lil Wayne - "Ain't That a Bitch"***

****EDITED ON JAN 14 TO ADD: 10:13 am: Yet, another reason to hate the Ville. It is 1 degree outside. No, not degreeS...One freakin degrEE, and it feels like -11 with the windchill and these bastards haven't cancelled classes. And it's snowing. I'm going back to bed... *****


Blogger Larry D. Lyons II said...

oOooO girl...
my heart goes out.
one degree is totally unacceptable.
i'm calling the board of health and public safety.
they got you trekkin' through the tundra and sh*t!

PS: I was on the floor when you said "Crypt-Keeper looking finger". you know you're crazy, right?


2:47 PM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

No lie: there used to be a section oncampus between two buildings where the wind blew so hard it was called the Tundra. Guess what's there now? The brand new Suites, which I live in, go figure. It's just not right I tell you...

Oh, and believe me, those Crypt keeper looking fingers (damn typos) are no joke. You've seen the work cold can do on a penis and those jokers have girth, imagine my poor little digits...sad sight I tell you...

3:36 PM

Blogger LB said...

LMAO @ Crypt-Keeper lookin' finger. I think what u have experienced is Murphy's Law of *in Ron Schneider from SNL voice* "ma-kin' co-pies." Everything that can go worng, will go wrong. Sorry chick, hope it got

7:17 PM

Blogger Margaret said...

ONE degree???? It hasn't gotten that cold here in Germany this year. It usually does, but not yet.

11:49 PM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

Here I am thinking it's about to be a mild winter because there were only a few days below 40 the whole month I was in St Louis. 300 something miles later and it's ONE degree. It's not right, I tell's not right...

In case you're wondering where I am...I don't's somewhere between cow pastures and Omaha...Maryville, Missouri.

4:51 AM

Blogger Dayrell said...

Lmao! I feel ya pain sista. Really I do. Well...not weather wise ('cause it's like 50 and 60 degrees here, lol depite the rain), but the making copies part.

I remember when I was in college, some of us use to be to broke (or in my case, just to damn cheap to buy the books) so we'll spend hours and hours in the computer lab copying like 5, 6, and 7 or more chapters trying to save money. A lot of times the lines would be wrapped around the labs in front of the copy machines double times. *sigh* Yup. Those were the good 'ol days, LOL.

2:35 PM

Blogger e M I A 6 said...

damnnn. a micro book situation with a major weather problem.

excuse me, i have to change into some short socks and flip flops becuase the 82-degree weather down here is starting to get a bit disturbing.

you'll be alright. by the way, i like the Title of your blog...Analog Girl in a Digital World. Creative.

2:36 PM


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