Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Monday, January 03, 2005

Ring, ring,'s the same thing

2005, eh? How does one ring in the New Year? By making old mistakes if you're like me. No, I must retract that last statement. Here's what happened. I really wanted to go to a party where there was a strict dress code, mature people and overall good times. Well, unfortunately I couldn't find such a party in STL that was under $35 for a ticket so I decided to stay home. Around 10:20 I started getting awfully lonely. (Yes, I will admit it). So I call up my boy O and see what he's doing. He was at his best friend's house, playing cards and talking shit. So I tell him that I will be by his house in a few and ask if he will leave for a bit. So he leaves the mini-party to go home. On my way to O's house, I get the genius idea in my head that I need to see my ex. Yes, THE ex. So, I jet down there and knock on the door, taking an extreme chance of wasted gas since he is a club-hopper and I didn't really expect him to be home. Well, anyway, he answers the door and I really don't know what to say. We greet, I walk inside and we actually had a civilized conversation. Then he had to screw it all up. I'm walking to the door and all of a sudden, he's reaching over my shoulder trying to hand me this silver wrapped box. I recognize it. It's the same box I refused when he tried to give it to me on Christmas when he came to my house. I look at it and keep walking. He grabs my shoulder and tries to turn me around. At this point I'm standing still, waiting for him to release me so I can get the hell outta Dodge. He pulls me closer to him and gives me a kiss on the cheek and then lets my shoulder go. At this point I'm through. I mean I am pissed. He knows that we don't have the type relationship where he can give me gifts. In fact, when we were together, I reached a point where I told him I didn't want him to give me shit. He's the type nigga that thinks that gifts means I owe him something. So I see what the hell he's trying to do with that damn box. And then to fucking kiss me like we are something just cements the fact that he will never learn. I swear, it may be my fault for going over there in the first place knowing how he is, but the conversation we had proves that not only can he be good company, but that he can be completely un-asshole-ish. But I guess he choose not to. So I leave his place and try to go rush and see O. By the time I get there, it's a little after 12. Happy New Year. He opens the door and I give him a huge hug and then he asks me what took me so long. Shit. I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and walk in without answering. Homeboy wouldn't let it go. He's all,I'm for real, I left John's to be at home for you and it takes you 2 hours to get here?"" Now, the smart aleck in me is thinking, he know damn well it wasn't no full two hours, but my smarter self is telling me this isn't the time to be Sally Smart Ass. I avoid the question and we go on to have a pretty decent night, but I know he wants to know. Eh, well. Some shit (and by "some shit" I mean the shit you know will cause an argument) is better left untold.



Blogger Larry D. Lyons II said...

i applaud you for side-stepping the propsed "gift exchange".
not my goodies, nigga. not my goodies! LOL

Happy New Year sis.

10:31 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

....? call me when you see this.


1:28 AM


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