I Just May Be (a LITTLE bit) Wrong
So, I almost had to whoop ass tonight. Here's how it went down:
Me and my girl head to the bar/club. It's cold as hell and when we get there, it's less than half full. We make our way to the dance floor, which is even more empty than the rest of the bar, if that's possible. We are there less than 20 minutes when some drunk ass white girl comes in and damn near falls down the ramp on her way down to the dance floor. Did she have the decency to fall silently? No, this bitch had to let the whole club know she almost busted her ass. "OHMYGOD, Laura!!! Did you see me?!! I almost fell!!! Like, I might have MAJORLY busted my ass!!!" At this point, I'm irritated and I lean over the railing that over looks the dance floor, look her dead in the eye and say "Shut the Fuck Up!" It could have been done there, but this chick decides she doesn't want to take my professional advice and starts talking shit. I couldn't really hear her over the music, so I had to make my way to the dance floor to hear her better (heehee...). At this point, she's all like "Why would you say that to me? You don't even know me!!OMG, I didn't do anything to you!!..blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..." I tell her I don't need to know her but what I do know is that I don't want to hear her drunk ass the second she walks into the club. She continues to talk and then....then, this bitch had the audacity to throw her hand up in my face. Not the white girl, limp wrist hand, oh no, this was the old-school Jamie Foxx from "The Jamie Foxx Show" hand (circa 1997), complete with the screeching brakes sound effect. (OK, so she didn't make the sound effect, but the heffa probably thought about it). That's all I need to see. I'm nice and tell her punk ass to try that cute shit one more time and I promise to break her in half. I say all of this while taking off the huge hoop earrings I had on (cuz you know a sista can't give an opponent anything extra to pull or grab). It's at this point she starts avoiding eye contact. Yeah, that's right...retreat....you can't win. But, wait, the bitch's lips are still flapping!! Anger building, I make a move to tap her on her shoulder. This is when I feel my friends descend upon me like a trained S.W.A.T. unit and drag me out of the battlefield. I swear they moved like they had recieved assigments!! Friend Number 101, you grab the right arm, Friend 102, you've got the left, Friend 103, you are assigned to guide Aries to safety once the limbs are disarmed...Ready? MOVE!! MOVE!!! MOVE!!! A few minutes later, I've calmed down because the shit wasn't that serious anyway. That was until I glanced down at this heffa and see her readjusting this three big ass tacky rings she has on and all the while holding what seems to be a very animated conversation with her friends. You know what I'm thinking: This bitch must be talking about me. I'm guessing that she thinks those $4.50 costume jewelry rings from Claire's will act as some makeshift brass knuckles and she's telling all her friends exactly what she anticipates the impressions on my face will look like. Matter of fact, I know she was talking about fighting me because she punched herself in the palm after she twisted one of the rings around. (And no, "Knuck if You Buck" wasn't on...) So I start shouting that she must be talking to me and if she wants it (Don't even front like you don't know what it is...), I'm right here. It's at this point that her friend walks over and says: "She wasn't talking about you. I'm so sorry, she's really drunk. See this post for my feelings about the infamous "she's really drunk" excuse. I swear Imma (and yes, that is a word. It's in the dictionary right before I-made-that-shit-up) snap a bitch neck in this hick town before I leave. But then again, I may have been in the wrong for telling her to shut the EFF up. But I was just offering my opinion, right? *sheepish smile*
OK, OK sue me...I was looking to start shit. But best believe if she was bold enough to bring her wrist above waist level again, I woulda finished it...
*off to listen to my Erykah Badu and meditate* lol...
~~~I realize there is an insane amount of profanity in this post. See what the Ville does to a person? *walking away muttering "nonviolent, nonviolent" in my best MLKJ voice*~~~~
Yep, u started it...lol. And as annoying as pissy drunk white "girls gone wild" women can be, we have to learn to ignore their falling-all-over-the-floor asses...unless she puts her hands on u and then the rule is that u have to lay the smack down...that's just the rule.
1:35 PM
"At this point, I'm irritated and I lean over the railing that over looks the dance floor, look her dead in the eye and say "Shut the Fuck Up!" "
Lol Great post, I'm just wondering if we're related because that sounds like something I would do..lol
3:53 AM
I don't care what country you party in, there is ALWAYS one person with at tad of liquid courage begging to bang their head against your closed fist numerous times.
I think you were doing your civic duty by telling her to shut the eff up.
5:30 AM
this is how i know that we're twins, separated at birth. any revival of the "talk-to-the-hand" motion (with or without accompanying screech) is subject to punishment by pummeling. it's in the constitutional amendment drafted by the NAACP in 1998. so, on behalf of annoyed club-goers everywhere, i'd like to commend you on executing the law so swiftly and flawlessly.
The NTAA (Nat Turner Association of America) hereby presents you with the Rick James award for being "perpetually poised to slap a b*tch for acckin' out in public".
*audience cheers*
10:39 AM
Girl that was funny as hell. . .I could just picture it all in my head. . .LMAO. . . but I have to say it. . . I don't want to say it. . .but I can't keep my mouth shut. . . you know you're wrong. You didn't just tell her to be quiet. . .or shut up. . .you went and told the broad to shut what is known as THE FUCK up. Now reverse the situation. . .you're drunk. . . talking loud with your girls. . and some white girl tells you to shut the fuck up. . . You would have whupped some major white girl ass. . .lol. . .so yeah I have to say you're wrong. . .ENTERTAINING AS HELL. . .but wrong. . .lmao
11:29 AM
@ Diggem - I just couldn't ignore her!! There was only like 20 folks in the club and she stuck out like a sore thumb. Maybe it was the inner bully in me....
@ The Humanity Critic - LOL...it was one of those days, one of those days. Glad to see I'm not the only short fuse out there.
@ Margaret - LOL@ liquid courage. I was trying to do my civic duty, I think the club could have been a LOT better if she just woulda listened to me. Geez...stubborn ass. See what ensued because folks just don't listen?? heh heh..
@ Larry - You crack me up. *accepting my award* I would like to thank the namesake of this award, of course, for paving the way for all future slappings to come. I have to send a big shout out to my cross-the-water homie in East St Louis - Ike Turner. You was wrong for what you did to Tina but no one can deny the excellent wrist rotation. *sniff* It's my goal one day to have a slap half as powerful as yours. I'm honored...thank you. And oh, yeah...gotta thank God for this ability. I'm nothing with JEEEESUS!!!!@ Shana - *in my best Martin voice* DAAAMNNNN GINA!!! I tried not to...ok I lied. It was just one of those days when I felt it was my club citizen duty to speak up....Oh and you besta believe that if a white girl woulda tried to play me in the reversal...I might have been writing this entry from a jail cell....lol..call me what you will...
12:41 PM
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