Things Around Me Right Now
that I like...

Tweet is my peeps. Her first CD was the truth. If you haven't checked that out, you need to hurry and do that. The singles that were released were in NO way representative of her album as a whole. Matter of fact, when you hear the whole album, those couple of singles stuck out like WTF? This song is hot, minus the long ass intro and Missy's rap. I'm just glad Tweet is back.

I used to be a No Doubt fan. Everybody always knew Gwen would go solo one day. This song is hot, straight dance floor material and Eve is in top form with the rhyme.

This video comes on all the time on Video Soul. Every time I saw it, I hit the "channel" button. Finally, one day I caught it at the beginning and said "hey, isn't that my girl Nona Gaye? Indeed it was and the song is nice. Serious groove and a feel good track.

I love this stuff. It smells so girly. Plus it is fairly cheap for perfume.

I've had this for about half a year now. I've got a big old bottle and it's not even 1/4 gone. I originally got hooked on the men's and bought a bottle for my boy. Then the women's came out and surprisingly smelled as good as the men's so I was hooked up with a bottle as well.
6) Sour Skittles.
I forgot how good these are. Skittles have always been my FAV candy of choice but the Sour ones hurt too much to suck on. But once you get all the sour shit off these, they are TASTY..
7) Samsung V205.
My cell phone is my BABY. And although I complain and I really want a new one, recently I had an episode where my baby wasn't whole and I couldn't find the battery. That scare made me fall back in love.
Eh, I'm sitting here trying to think of three more items but who said lists had to have 10 items anyway? Like my girl Lauryn said, "I get out of all your boxes.." (And yeah, I WILL learn how to do borders and the such ONE day!) Since I OBVIOUSLY have nothing to write about, I guess I will jump on the blogger bandwagon and open my comments section up for you folks to ask me some questions...You know the deal: 3 questions you would like to see me answer. I guess that's how it works...Help me out and ask some good ones to get my motors turning again...
**** SLIGHT EDIT ON FEB 4*****
Some of you have already done Part B to this so I figured the other two parts would be easy:
A. First, recommend to me:
1. A movie:
2. A book:
3. A musical artist, song, or album:
B. I want everyone who reads this to ask me three questions, no more, no less. Ask me anything you want. (remember be NICE!)
C. Then,go to your blog, copy and paste this allowing your friends to ask you anything they want!
1. I so love Tweet. My favorite songs on the last album were Best Friend and Always Will. Dang I'm about to bump that now.
2. I love me some Gwen. Her new cd is dope. Hollaback is my joint
3. I'll be back with questions.
6:19 AM
Dammit, I'm stumped over the questions. I'll ask those later, but I like that Tweet song too.
9:15 AM
Dang man! I didn't know people was on Tweet like that. I just heard her first album for the first time last year in spite of having wanted to listen for a long time and it was the BOMB. I still listen to it at least once a week. I didn't even know people liked Tweet that much. And I didn't know she had a new album so I guess I'm on my way to Circuit City.
3:05 PM
"Daily Bread" is the TRUTH!
McCoy just doing his thing...He is taking it were Lenny wasn't capable...I'll keep you posted
3:46 PM
Straight to the questions:
1) What do you want to do once you finish your education?
2) What is your hometown?
3) What are 3 things you CAN NOT live without (not people).
3:40 AM
I have to admit, my cell phone is like my
8:47 AM
1 - thanks for stoppin' by...i'll be answering them q's sometime next week.
2 - i'm gonna have to ck out tweet!
3 - some q's for you! everyone took the good ones so these may be lame...i warned ya!
a - what's your favorite ring tone on your cell?
b - favorite color?
c - I've been asking everyone this for no apparent reason! scrambled or over easy?
have a great weekend!
11:58 AM
OK, I said that I'd be back...
1. What are your top 3 favorite songs of ALL TIME?
2. Which qualities of your best friend would u like to emulate?
3. Do u have a Valentine? (can't think, sorry)
2:22 PM
What you know about that Martin Luther girl? Just kidding I love him! And good lookin' on that Kenneth Cole "Black"...that stuff is the shizznit!
3 Questions:
1. Guilty pleasures?
2. Worst date?
3. Weirdest celebrity crush?
3:20 PM
Ok. For your Q&A section.
Movie-Donnie Darko
Book-Song of Solomon
Music-Tidal (Fiona Apple)
Part b-
1. What's the worst thing about you and why are you afraid to change it
2. What would you wake up on a Saturday morning for? Or to rephrase what would be important enough to inspire you to leave your bed?
3. What would you do with your billion dollar check?
3:51 PM
a movie: hotel rwanda (i know you already want to see it.)
book: jesus and the hip hop prophets (i haven't read it but it's about two of your favorite rappers, lauryn hill and 2pac. look it up)
an album: illmatic by nas (haha)
questions: describe your perfect day?
tell me what i mean to you?
if i asked you to give me one thing from your room, what would you give me and why?
12:30 AM
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