Aries Answers...
Brutha Free's Questions:
If you can take away one characterstic about yourself, what would it be and why?
A couple of years ago I would have said my temper, but I've worked on that and it's SO much better now. Umm...I would have to say my impatience. I have very little patience for people's faults and mistakes. And since I'm not perfect, it kinda makes me look like a hypocrite when I cut off others for making a minor mistake.
What is one thing that you just can't live without?
Since Margaret kinda asked this same question (with one stipulation), I'm going to take the easy way out and say my family.
What do you feel is the purpose of life?
Wow. You really got deep on this one, huh? In moments of despair and confusion there is a quote from Eve's Bayou that answers this perfectly:
"All I know is that there must be a divine point to it all that's just over my head. That when we die it will all come clear and we'll say 'so that was the damn point.' And sometimes I think there's no point at all and that's the point. All i know is that most people's lives are a great disappointment to them and no one leaves this earth without feeling terrible pain. And if there is no divine explanation at the end of it all - well, that's sad."
In times of enlightenment and when I feel most close to God, I say the purpose of life is to serve and praise the Lord and bring others to get to know him. On the most human level, I think the purpose is to get through being as happy as possible, cause the least amount of pain to anyone and try to improve any wrongs that you feel you can right.
Margaret's Questions:
What do you want to do once you finish your education?
Hopefully I can make a living from writing. (Ha!) I would love to write REAL literature, I'm talking Morrison, Walker, Hurston LITERATURE that will withstand the test of time. But more feasibly, I will probably end up in law school for entertainment law.
What is your hometown?
Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio!! I spent 12 years there and then moved to St. Louis, MO. So it depends on who you ask. Those who say your hometown is where your high school is tell me to claim the Lou, but Cleveland is my heart. (How else in the world could I be a Browns fan? lol)
What are 3 things you CAN NOT live without (not people)?
My music collection
My Bible
A means of private transportation ( I am NOT a public trans girl)
Golden's Questions:
What's your favorite ring tone on your cell?
"Two Words" by Kanye and Mos Def because it sounds just like the song.
Favorite color?
I can't pick just one. Green, black, grey, brown and pink will do.
Scrambled or over easy?
Hmmm, assuming you are referring to eggs, I say neither cuz I don't eat them. But what the hell, Scramble it up!
Starfoxx's Questions:
Have you ever traveled outside of the country?
If you don't include going to Canada when I was two, nope.
Are you bilingual?
Hablo un poco espanol. Not for real though. I always find it easier to comprehend than to speak.
Boxers, Briefs or Boxer Briefs on your man?
Boxer briefs if he's really in shape, boxers if he's not.
Diggs' Questions:
What are your top 3 favorite songs of ALL TIME?
Damn, only three?? OK, OK...
"Adore" - Prince
"Someday We'll All Be Free" - Donny Hathaway
"You Send Me" - Sam Cooke
Wow..that is funny. I always think that I like female vocalists better than males, but my "top three" songs are all by men...HmMM...
Which qualities of your best friend would u like to emulate?
Kindness and trust. I am so evil at times that it's sick. I always say if I don't talk about you, I don't like you. Shouldn't it be the other way around? I also find it very hard to trust ANYONE and my best friend is that person who always gives people a chance.
Do u have a Valentine?
Yep...a few. *poppin my collar* Nothing super serious, but I have a couple of people I need to make sure feel special on that day.
Dayrell's Questions:
Guilty pleasures?
LOL...damn, must I really reveal? Ok, ok...umm.. *whispering* i enjoy dancing to paula abdul. sometimes i think of interview questions AND answer them like I'm famous... Less embarrasing ones? Shoes, clothes and perfumes.
Worst date?
OMG...This one guy named Mike. I was 16. I met him at my cousin's house at a BBQ. He ended up spending the whole damn day up under me and cornered me and got my number. Nonetheless, he was cute so I agreed to go on a date with him. He came to my house like 20 minutes early so he ended up waiting on me to come home and get showered and dressed. He picked me up in his dad's car - some kinda pickup. It was cute and would have been fine had we not stopped to pick up his boy on the way. I ended up squashed between Mike and his friend and the movie theater we chose to go to was like 20 minutes away. When we finally get there, he buys our tickets and then his boy (who was SUPPOSED to be meeting some girl up there) informs him that he doesn't have enough money for two tickets. Mike says he can't help him because he was taking me to the club later and needed all his dough. I ended up giving his boy $5 for a ticket that he didn't even use (his girl never came). Our snacks for the movie were one bag of SourPatch kids and a jumbo soda with TWO straws. Keep in mind I just met this negro and didn't like his clingy ass in the first place. During the movie, he was all over me while his boy sat there and egged his ASS on. He sat right next to me and kept hitting on me and Mike would sit there agreeing with his ass. I was too through after that. We did not make it to the club and about 3 weeks later (and 4637 unsuccessful attempts to get him to stop calling me), this negro told me he loved me. I promptly told my daddy, who cussed his ass clean out and then told my aunt who talked to his mother. Fuckin leech...ugh..
Weirdest celebrity crush?
Wow...wierdest? I have a thing for Tyrin Turner...I don't know if that's wierd though. I'm also quite partial to Alton from Real World Las Vegas. He's just so sweet and honest.
JEDI's Questions:
What's the worst thing about you and why are you afraid to change it?
I have a tendency to downplay myself. I'm honestly my own WORST critic. If someone tells me it's good, I have to point out the flaws. I wouldn't say I'm afraid to change it but I never want to appear cocky or arrogant. I cannot stand people who come off as arrogant and I notice it's usually those who aren't the best at what they try to do. So I may be afraid to change for fear of becoming that person.
What would you wake up on a Saturday morning for? Or to rephrase what would be important enough to inspire you to leave your bed?
It would have to be good! I think a planned trip to someplace beautiful would make me get my ass up. And by beautiful I don't mean Costa Rica (though it would be nice), I mean just a beautiful place (a museum, a park, the beach) anything that I find to have aesthetic value. That, and a sale at one of my favorite stores!
What would you do with your billion dollar check?
Sheeeiit...sit on my ass and be spoiled! I would make sure that my parents are taken care of, make sure my sis has a college fund and some extra money, buy some property and live lavishly with the rest!
Dylan's Questions (via email)
What is the first word that passes through your mind when asked? Mine (I'm in a selfish mood...)
Recommend me a Poet?
First and foremost, my favorite poet of all time - Nikki Giovanni. Assuming you are familiar with her, I would send you towards Tish Benson. She is a great performer and her words fare well on the page.
Will you try to get published?
Yep, I'm just not sure what first. It will probably be poetry though...although I would love to put out a book first.
Mr Young's Questions:
Describe your perfect day?
My perfect day would have to be busy. I would spend the morning in bed (preferably with someone I care about), get up about 9 and go sightseeing in the city on a gorgeous day (I'm a sucker for sunshine and a cool breeze). Midday, there would be a long drive somewhere to eat, more sightseeing, some good food and music and the night would end with some excellent conversation. I'm not hard to please... ;o)
Tell me what I mean to you?
Don't do me. I am not that bad!! Refer to number 6 from this post. But for real, you are special, you have shown me so many things in such a short time and I truly appreciate that. You don't expect more from me than I can give(I think) right now and for that I am so grateful. I cherish you as a friend.
If I asked you to give me one thing from your room, what would you give me and why? Ha! I know you want my car! (For those of you who don't know, I have one of those remote control cars that does the 360 degree flips and all those crazy tricks. And it's mine!! All mine!!) So, now that we've got that clear, I would give you my 1968 Olympic poster, because although I love it, I think you would give it a lot more thought daily than I do.
Whew...that was cool, and I probably made it WAY longer than it should have been because I can never directly answer a question, but it's my blog right?? Aiight den,see ya'll tomorrow! Thanks for all the questions, guys! You thought of some good ones to get me looking inside myself. Good lookin'...
Um yes, Alton SHOULD be adored and ADORE SHOULD be one of your fave songs of ALL time. That was a trick question, lol. Well done.
11:16 PM
You crazy...Good question and good answers...I'll keep you posted
12:53 AM
I have been all over the world, and I've met people from St. Louis EVERYWHERE. They always ask that 'St. Louis question'...what high school did you go to?
Since I, too am from St. Louis, you know I must ask...What high school did you go to??
3:36 AM
Like your perspective on life. Your life seems pretty interesting and it's gonna BLOW UP!! Let me know when you get that book deal.
7:27 AM
Man, last year I got to see Nikki speak at Xavier university. She was the bomb. I even took a picture with her when she wasn't looking. She was seriously inspiring. when I left I almost immediately went home and wrote a poem. And all I was like for the next three weeks was "How can I get famous so somebody will care to hear me speak publicly". So where's the site with your poetry so I can check it out?
11:11 AM
@ brutha - Thank ya. You caused me to think a little on that question - good one.
@ Diggs - My friends all tease me for liking Alton. They call him an herb (remember that word?!) and make me feel bad... :o( "Adore" is my FAVORITE love song ever and an instant floor mopper/panty dropper/baby maker (not yet, thank the Lawd) for me!
@ G Corny (that's a fukked up nickname huh?) aka Mr Harris - Thank you, you keep on keepin me posted!
@ Margaret - Yeah, STL is GOOD for that question! I went to that one and only:
Excuse my extreme representation, I am only 2 years removed from good ole HCH. You can check this post to see my black and gold pride! (You thought you would get away without me askin' back? NAHHH! spill it, where did you go?)
@ Jazz - *blushing* Well, thank ya ma'am. I will let you know...keep those fingers crossed for me!
@ JEDI - oooh I'm jealous! I've never seen Nikki live! I'm sure I would be in utter awe. She did an interview at a Kansas City radio station early this semester and I skipped class and listened to her...she's hilarious, outspoken and unapologetic, I love it. As for my poetry, none of it is currently online, but I may post a few older pieces in the future. So be on the look!
12:17 PM
MINE MINE MINE I've never even heard of thouse people great good luck getting published try cali thou texas might not catch it
12:31 PM
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