Musings of a young dame making it in this Texas-boy controlled world.

Friday, March 04, 2005

Closed. Will Reopen Once Healed.

This will be my last post about Slim for a while. That Negro has been takin up too much of my blog space and he aint payin' rent. (Wait, neither am I, but still, this is MY spot!) But I figured I better post about Slim before you all tar and feather me! So, for those of you inquiring about sleepovers and abstinence mixing, here goes:

I made sure Slim knew the first time he spent the night over here that there would be nothing going on but sleeping. While he was here, we talked and I let him know that there will be nothing going on in the sexual realm until we got to know each other. (Logical, huh?) So anyways...Hol' up, hol' up!! My fault...I guess I should start out with my reasoning for abstaining, huh?

Alright, here goes. Before we get started, lemme warn you that this is shaping up to be one of those long ass, Gian-type posts, so you might wanna go grab yourself a glass of water and a cookie or two. I'll wait...

*tapping my foot while singing Michael Jackson's "The Way You Make Me Feel"...*

Back? Good, let's get going...

*deep breath* I'm going to attempt to be as honest as some of you other bloggers out there. So here goes....wait, hold on a minute... *emptying my pockets of sarcasm, smart ass comments and ambiguous phrasing* Alright, let's roll.

So far, in my short lil life, I can count on one hand the number of guys I've been with intimately. Then I can put down my thumb, middle, ring and pinkie fingers. Yeah, you followed that right. I've only been intimate sexually with one man in my lifetime. We dated for two and a half years. When we started dating I was 16 and he was 22. I'm sure there are some back entries about him. Not nearly as many as there are on my old blog, but I'm sure he lurks somewhere in here.

Anyways, we had this really serious relationship, entirely too serious for someone my age but probably perfect for him since he was 6 years older than me and ready for a lot of stuff that I wasn't.

When we first started dating, he was the perfect gentleman. Sweet, honest, caring...yadda yadda blase skip...(don't they all start out that way?) As time went on, he stayed that way but I noticed that he always wanted to be FIRST. He always wanted to have me to himself and if I would go out he would call me at LEAST 10 times while I was out. Usually more. It got the point where my friends had to grab my phone from me and turn it off in order for me to have a halfway decent time. He kept up this behavior until I left for college. Right before I left, we got into a really big argument and I laid everything out on the table. I told him I thought he was controlling and too demanding and I was really getting sick of it. He apologized and we went back to normal for a while. A couple weeks later, I packed my stuff and was off to college. Then he really started to act up. He started being extremely verbally abusive to me and calling me every name in the book anytime he felt like it. I would get home from a football game (where I couldn't hear my phone ring) and have 5 voicemails from him calling me all types of hoes, bitches and sluts. At first I was too shocked to even be hurt by it, I mean shit, I was still a virgin. It's like having someone call you a honkie and you are black as night. You just sit there, like "WTF? Are they for real?.." But after a while it did a number on me. Eventually, it got to the point where I felt I needed to talk to him face to face and I went home. We ended up getting in another big ass argument and that was the first time he ever laid his hands on me. I was so extremely hurt that I went straight back to school and wouldn't talk to him for 2 weeks. Eventually we smoothed things over and somehow wound up still together. We carried on with this bullshit for several more months. Then October (03) of my freshman year, he came up to my school and proposed to me. That was the night I lost my virginity. (Gawd, that is the worst saying in the language....I really didn't lose it, I know exactly where it went. But I digress...)I was convinced that it was right and everything between us would only get better from then on.

Shit only got worse. He became even more controlling, demanding crazy shit. Giving me certain times to call him, going online to check my cell phone records and calling my room phone at all times of the night just to make sure I was there. Almost every time I would go home, we would end up in a physical fight. On one trip, we had an especially bad fight and he ended up trying to choke me with his belt. I was hurt, confused, caught up and couldn't find a way to let go of this man whom I'd put so much loving into. Putting up with his ass kept me in a deep ass depression. For two weeks of the spring semester freshman year, I was seriously deeply depressed. I didn't go to class, I wouldn't speak to anyone, I barely ate. I slept the whole day and would be up all night talking to him, trying to make "us" work. My grades slipped. My straight A's and 2 B's ended up being 2 B's and and 4 C's. (Yeah you read that right, that is 6 classes, 18 credit hours and an honor course on top of that. So ya'll know a girl was already stressed without that bullshit.) Anyways, after all those weeks of being nocturnal and depressed and shit I emerged knowing that I couldn't deal with that shit a minute longer. I broke it off for "good"...It was quite sad really. He begged, pleaded and bawled his sorry ass eyes out, but I was unaffected. All I had to do was think of all the shit he put me through and that turned any glimmer of sympathy I may have had into straight stone. We must have talked from 1am to about 9am. He tried every trick in the book to get me to stay with him. Finally, I just told him flat out that he didn't respect me. He denied it up and down, swore I was his Queen and that he always cherished me. I blew a fuckin' lid. I went off, replaying all the shit he'd put me through, all the times he'd hurt me, physically and mentally, and basically just put all his shit out there. He wouldn't say anything about hitting me, but he kept insisting that the only reason he'd repeatedly said those things to me was because he was angry. So I asked his punk ass if he respected his mother. Of course he replied "yes." I asked if he'd ever been angry with her. Again, "yes." Had he ever called his mother a bitch to her face? He hung his head. When he looked up, his eyes were wet and he slowly said "no." I told him that because he respected her and it was ENTIRELY too obvious by the way he treated me that in his mind, I didn't deserve respect. That ended the conversation.

Since then, I've ended up running back to him several times, most recently last October. It was mainly a physical thing, but there was also this deeply mental hold, him being my first and only and all that shit. It got to the point where I would go to his house, we would sit there and he would hold me. We wouldn't speak and then one of us would end up crying because of how shit turned out. We would have sex and then I would end up hating myself because I couldn't release myself from him. And it wasn't that the sex was that good. He was excellent at oral sex, but when it came time for intercourse, things always took a turn for the worst. It wasn't that the sex was bad, let me explain: I like to make love. With me being so fuckin enamored with him and our relationship being turbulent as hell in every other aspect, the one place I thought I could find some tenderness was in the bedroom. Not all the times that we've done it, I can only recall 3 times which would qualify as not ending up with us fucking. And one of those times was after we broke up. I don't know if it was something to do with him physically, but dude would always end up fucking me. And don't get me wrong, that shit is cool sometimes, hell GREAT at the right time, but like I said, I was seeking softness since I couldn't get it anywhere else. Here's a poem about it called "Tough Love". (This brotha wrote an EXCELLENT reply to it, let me know if you want to see it and I will give you all the link in my next post.) Ehh...fukk it...I'll post it later.

Being that he's been my only sexual partner, I decided to abstain from sex. The thought of it just came with too much emotional baggage and every time I would find myself feenin', there was only one place for me to get my fix and I already knew how bad that was for me. I'm not the one for "casual sex" so I always wound up going back to the one person I had real feelings for. So I swore off sex altogether. It was the only way for me to get my mind right and not fall victim to my carnal desires. Plus, I had a feeling that the next guy that I had sex with would find me relaying all my wasted feelings for my ex onto him. And I was way too fragile to have myself get hurt again so soon.

There have been good guys in between but I always felt I wasn't ready. (Not just for sex, for a relationship.) So they got put to the side. I didn't want to hurt them by being too distant and I was also afraid of getting hurt because my spirit was still healing.

I guess Slim just came at the right time. We had a conversation and we decided to just keep things as they are for while and see where things go. And for right now, that's exactly what I want. It would be nice to have a boyfriend, but I know there is still a part of me that fears that the moment we label something, the bullshit will begin. So until I can let go of that, we'll remain where we are.

And where in the hell is that exactly? Shit, I don't know. Slim's been spending a lot of time over here. In fact, he stayed over here last night. We're doing a lot more talking now. At first, it was a lot of playful talk in between deep kisses. I guess we explored our physical attraction to each other first and now that we know that's not going anywhere, we are taking the time to really get to know each other. I was extremely honest with him yesterday and let him know that he's not the only one I'm "talking" (do only Midwest people say that?) to, but that I am really feeling him. He let me know that he's starting to gain some feelings for me. I told him that was nice. I just couldn't find it in myself to lie to him and tell him the same. And I didn't want to. He's great to be around and have around, but I'm the type of person that it takes a while to get to care about someone, but once I do, I REALLY care about you. So for right now, me and Slim will continue to sleep in my SUPER DELUXE bed, have those fun "getting to know you better conversations" and enjoy each other's company while we're out (all between some great kisses, because that boy has some SUPERB lips!). I'll keep you updated...


Here's a freewrite I wrote about the whole sex situation and the way I kept going back.

I don't mean to keep letting him slide
between my legs
feasting on me
saying into me
all that he refused to say
to me
numerous apologies
and sincere feelings
singing "Adore"
into my core
"Love is 2 weak 2 define just what you mean to me"
This language we speak is
so different from the one we first
learned to communicate with
Tongues greet with the passion
of the reunited
fingertips blaze new trails of discovery
to a place
where only one flag has been planted

Dammit, I'm not updating for 3 weeks after this! I don't see how you long posters do it! But there you have it, the Slim update as well as a whole hell of a lot more.


Blogger Reza said...

I'm glad you got yourself together. There's nothing worse feeling obligated to some fool because physical contact. I hope you and Slim work out. After all that rain, you could use a lil sunshine!

3:53 PM

Blogger cookie21204 said...

I love this. its like a saga

5:36 PM

Blogger butterphliâ„¢ said...

one damn man always seems to mess it up for all the other ones. that guy was a true nutcase. no really, he was. not to be insensitive of your feelings, but guys who are always checking on you and lose their temper over jealously will only get worse with time. i've been there. and it's so easy to get sucked back into their games because they have the tongue of a snake.

i'm so proud of you (said like you're my sister or something LOL) that you abstained. there are so many things in this post i can relate to it ain't even funny. keep doing the right thing sis.

5:48 PM

Blogger Brown Beauty said...

Dammmnnnnn, girl! You definitely achieved your goal of being open and honest. I FELT that one! Thanks for letting us take a peek at your "tortured soul." lol For real though, I truly admire your strength on getting out of that situation and respect you for your honesty. I also better understand where all your 'wisdom' comes from.

I feel brutha-free when he asks why that one dude gotta mess it up for everybody? I ask my self that all the time...

The poem was on point and "good luck with Slim"! *wink wink*

8:08 PM

Blogger The G Perspective said...

Say bruh. I can't help it if I like to give a lil (lot) of backstory. But we some writers write? That's what it's all about. I was digging the poem. No pun intended since adore is diggs favorite song and all. But I hear you on the abstinence thing. I can get with that decision. I'm all about pushing those negative influences out. Sometimes when I try to write it's hard for me to dredge up these old memories because the negativity has got to get gone quick. How very responsible of you.

8:44 PM

Blogger ShawnQt said...

LOVED THE POST. Hope you get past the experience you had with your past boyfriend, and really give Slim a chance. I was a virgin till I was 23, so I know how u feel when u want to be with that special someone. Can't wait to find out what happens! :)

ps. don't let no one else touch or talk to u like that anymore, a queen desires better. Once is enough, so don't let me see you get back into another situation like that. promise me that, ok?

10:10 PM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

@ Star - Thank you ma'am. And yes, blogging about it brought up some painful memories, but I'll be alright. I'm past that situation now.

@ Reza - I hope Slim and I "work out" as well. Thanks.

@ Bruh - Boy, you had betta quite playing with me! That's right, you are my lil blog crush and I dun care who knows it!! ...Wait, you don't have any crazy ex's do you? I'm damn sure not trying to get stabbed up for some booty so we might have to make a mutual "blog gag order" to ensure my safety. But after the formalities, we can do the damn thang!

@ Knight Rydah - I'm glad Slim's respected me as well, especially with him being so young (same age as me) and able to deal with my decision. It says something on his behalf. Sad to say, I still have to see the ex on certain occasions, but you can believe I don't speak to his ass or have any real contact with him.

@ Mia - Thank you lady. I'm really trying as you can see.

@ LBoog - Thank you. I can't even explain where I got the strength from, but I'm incredibly grateful that I was able to leave him.

@ ShawnQt - I'm definitely not the same person I was with him. If I gained nothing positive from him, at least I know now what is not acceptable behavior from someone who claims to love me.

4:05 AM

Blogger LB said...

Well, I'm late AGAIN. I absolutely LOVE long and revealing posts. I admire your strength and, I too, have to remind myself that u're only 19 years old. My step-sisters don't possess as much insight and maturity as u do and I find it quite refreshing. I'm glad that u HAVE moved forward, away from that toxic relationship...AND I wish U and Slim a happy ending..not the Dave Chappelle kind of happy ending, but u know what I mean.

8:10 AM

Blogger C.R.C. said...

I am so happy you got out of that toxic relationship with the first guy. I'm happy that you recognized what was going on and brought it to him......and then left him speechless. Right on!

As far as slim is concerned, I KNOW you're doing the right thing for now. Take it slow, get to know him, do a whole lot of "talking" (figuratively & verally) and see where it goes. Yall will find the right direction.

I love the poem too :)

2:28 PM

Blogger Chris said...

You know, guys, (including myself), that are controlling are some S.O.B.s. I mean, I have since changed, and I have also learned where those control issues were derived from. I just hate seeing how those type of guys have changed the lives of innocent girls like that for the worse...because I know that is exactly what I did too...and no matter how remorseful I am, to this day, she has still not forgiven me. So on behalf of your ex, I apologize. No lady should ever have to put up with something like that...but at least you have taken some knowledge away from it...

12:10 PM

Blogger Sherece said...

I agree with you 100%. Work on healing yourself until you feel like you are ready to deal with a relationship, this way you won't be a "bag lady"

3:23 PM

Blogger Liza Valentino said...

@ Diggs - Thank ya ma'am. lol@ Chappelle happy ending...I'm cool on those...

@ Lyrik - It saddens me when I talk to young ladies who have been where I've been. I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Hopefully you are free from that as well and realize that we as women are worth more.

Thanks for the compliment.

@ Chevonne- Thank you lady. For ALL the kind words.

@ C-Breezy - It's hard to admit something like that. Especially when so many people's reaction is to suddenly view you as weak or say that you are stupid for staying around. My best friends didn't know he was physically abusive until very late in our relationship. My family STILL doesn't know. It's for the best though because if they did, I'd be writing about his death. Seriously. But I'm glad my friends found out because I needed their support when I finally decided to eliminate him from my life.

@ RBG - Check dat Gmail. And thanks.

@ Chris - I don't know what to say. I cannot fathom treating someone I love as badly as he treated me. But then again maybe he never truly loved me or isn't capable of love like most. It's hard as hell to forgive. I still haven't. I don't know if I can. I don't hate him anymore but I'm VERY far from forgiveness.

@ Cymple - That's exactly what I'm trying to do. It's taking time but hopefully I've found someone who is willing to wait with me.

5:08 PM

Blogger Chris said...

Just so you know, and no, I am not saying that you are wrong; but you can never truly move on until you forgive him...I'm not saying be his best friend, and I'm not saying to forget...just release all that will feel better after you forgive...even though it may seem impossible. You need to do that for you, not for him.

10:25 PM

Blogger MBT4679 said...

I want you to read that Aries

As I read through your experience, I was like DAMN, here we go again. I was 16 and he was 24.

You made it, you are here, and yuo are a beautiful individual. Check that post out when u get a chance.

1:42 PM


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