Ya Pissin Me Off
Random things that irritate me:
- Smokers outside of my major building and every other building on campus
If you want to smoke, fine. Don't stand your ass 3 feet from the door and pollute everyone's lungs who walks by...
- White dress shoes after Labor Day.
I cannot STAND this!! Put that shit away. You get a chance to wear white from Easter to Labor Day. After that, put that shit away! It looks incredibly tacky for you to walk outside when there is 2 feet of snow on the ground and your shoes blend it. If I was somewhere that didn't have such noticable seasons I might not care. But this is the Midwest, invest in some dark shoes.
- White people who are surprised that I know (and live with) both of my parents.
Yes, it is possible for Black people to love each other and stay together. And there is NOTHING more beautiful than Black love.
-When people who learn my major automatically assume they know my career goals.
Them: Hey, what's your major?
Me: English.
Them: Cool, so you're going to teach, right?
Me: GrRrrRr!!!
- Downloads with screams in the background.
Downloading is wrong... Kiss my ass. I have over 250 CDs, I'm an avid supporter of the music industry. But I'll be damned if I buy an entire CD just for the one "Shake Dat Ass Hoe" track that I like to hear on my way to the club. So I spend a few days looking for it online. Finally I find it. As the bar nears 100%, I get excited and start dancing to the song in my head. About 40 seconds in the track I hear Exclusiiiiive!!!! You ain't NEVER heard this before! Neeeeew Track from (insert artist name here)!!! Fuckin' up my groove...Plus when you want to stunt at a red light (don't act like I'm the only negro that turns the music up at a light on the way to the club), you just look silly when the DJ is screaming in the back.
- When folks say they don't read
WTF?? Without hitting you with the "people died so that we could read" reasoning, why the fuck don't you read? How in the hell do you obtain information? You do understand that TV does not tell the entire truth, right? And that sometimes they neglect to mention the story at all? So why the hell don't you pick up something and read it???!!
- Folks who ALWAYS second guess you
Ya'll know these people. The ones who you tell it's snowing outside and although it's mid-January and -20 degrees outside, they say "You lyin!! No, I'm not, why the hell would I lie about something so mundane. I don't know if that's a habit or what, but take that bullshit back where you got it from, it's irritating.
- Folks who pull, pat or plain ole touch my hair
Stop! Stop! Stop! Yes, I know my hair is big, soft and fluffy. It may remind you of a slice of heaven. Do not fuckin touch! Contrary to popular belief, my hair CAN get out of place and when you "pat" the fro like you've seen in videos, it doesn't shape it, it smashes my shit. Hands off!
- Clocks
It seems no matter what clock I set my watch to, it will ALWAYS be 5 minutes late by another clock. Fuck time. The shit starts when I get there.
- Mittens
I see no reason anyone past the age of 6 should be wearing mittens. Them shits are uncomfortable and just plain silly looking.
Something that doesn't bother me: Folks I love being blessed to see another birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY MA!!!